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Angel Card Reading with Archangel Michael

Inês Souto Gonçalves

Hello, my dear Earth Angel! How are you? I hope you are well wherever you are in the world. Today, I felt guided to share a Card Reading with Archangel Michael.

This message is timeless, so if you're here right now, know that this is the perfect time to hear it! I will pull three cards, and although the three cards will make a complete message, perhaps you will feel guided to one of the cards. So, tune in for a moment.

Ask for guidance and light, and open your heart to receive Archangel Michael's Message. You can choose cards 1, 2, and (or) 3. Click on the video below to hear your message:

Angel Card Reading with Archangel Michael

Card 1 - Decide to be happy now

If you chose Card 1, Archangel Michael advises you to Decide to be happy now.

You can say the following prayer to empower your decision: Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for helping me open my heart to happiness and joy. I am now willing to see all the goodness in my life.

Archangel Michael is reminding us that everything happens in this now moment. When we tune into this moment and allow ourselves to be present here and now, we choose to come back to our center. We can then be at peace and blissful in the most uplifted and higher state (of our being).

If you haven't been feeling happy, or if you have been experiencing challenges lately (for some of you, this will resonate), know that these experiences are also part of your path as a lightworker. They can empower you to reconnect to your center despite all that is happening in your external life. Of course, many of our experiences influence our internal state of being. Sometimes it's only natural. We are human beings having this human experience. At the same time, we have this divine existence, and sometimes we forget about it - that's natural. However, Archangel Michael is here guiding you to remember that you are a divine being here on earth at all times. When you feel disconnected, you can call upon God, the Creator, the Universe, and all the Light Beings to help you return to your center, to your light.

Even if there are challenges, a lot of changes going on, or if you are experiencing ascension symptoms and purges (if you are an Earth Angel, a Starseed, or a Lightworker, you may feel those times once in a while), Archangel Michael reminds you to go back to your core, your center, your inner peace, your inner balance, into your presence at this moment here and now.

Allow yourself to strengthen this soulful connection, even though there will always be times when we go out of it – and that's okay.

Card 1 - Decide to be happy now
Card 1 - Decide to be happy now

Keep persisting and be committed to the daily spiritual practices that bring you this sense of divine connection because part of your mission is to embody this divine light the world needs right now and the light you wish to see in the world.

It all starts with us, within. Archangel Michael reminds us to go back to Soul, despite what's going on, despite what will be going on. Allow yourself to have moments, activities, and hobbies that help you do this. As incarnated beings here on earth, we have this experience in the material world which may involve many sensations, experiences, and feelings. So enjoy!

Card 2 - Take your Time

If you have chosen Card 2, Archangel Michael guides you to Take your Time. You can say the following prayer to empower your path: Dear Archangel Michael, please help me stay strong and relaxed as I approach this situation. Please remind me to detach and step back, allowing this situation to unfold naturally. Thank you for protecting me. Allow yourself to Be more than to Act. Of course, there's always a balance when we have responsibilities in this material world. We have to do things in our daily lives. That's just natural. However, Archangel Michael guides you to allow yourself to have moments of contemplation, just being. You can do that by going out in nature, for example, going for a walk or fully immersing yourself in an experience you love, in a physical activity you like, or while meditating, praying, etc. Whatever resonates the most with you. Allow yourself to Be more as a way to tune into new divine information and guidance.

If Card 2 resonated the most with you, many downloads are coming into your being now. A lot of things are happening at the same time. Just Being and also resting are needed for you to integrate this transformation. You may feel guilty about it. Just let it go. Archangel Michael is cutting the chords with all thoughts preventing you from Being. Whatever they are, breathe in and out, and allow them to go into Heaven for transmutation.

Card 2 - Take your Time
Card 2 - Take your Time

If you have been feeling confused, allow yourself to Be as a way to let new pathways unfold naturally for you. Often our logical mind says that we need to do this (or that) because we have this (or that) calendar. Archangel Michael is washing all that away, guiding you to remember your divine essence, your true divine nature. Just being and contemplating from that presence will allow more inspired paths or actions to unfold. But take your time. There's no rush, no pressure. You have nothing to prove.

Card 3 - Lean on God and The Angels for Support

If you have chosen Card 3, Archangel Michael guides you to Lean on God and The Angels for Support. You can say the following prayer to empower your path: Dear God and angels, I give you this situation now and completely. I step out of the way and allow Divine miracles to shine through everyone and everything involved. Again, this message is about allowing yourself to step back a little and, at the same time, recommit to coming back to your center, your peace, and your divine connection through the practices that you find most uplifting right now.

Archangel Michael is reminding us that we all have this team of celestial beings that are always available to us in all dimensions of time and space. It doesn't matter how small or big a task may be. They are there unconditionally to help us. Remember: you don't have to do it alone. You are not alone. You are connected to many by heart, to many other human beings on the same soul path of transformation, healing, and transmutation.

You are a soul. You are a divine and beautiful being living in this body. However, your divine truth goes so much beyond your body. Although not incarnated here on this material plane, other beings are with you always, helping you with your healing, responsibilities, life missions, abundance, dreams, and visions. They are also here to help you overcome challenges and speed up the transition periods (including those involving ascension symptoms). Know that you are always divinely guided, loved, and supported.

Card 3 - Lean on God and The Angels for Support
Card 3 - Lean on God and The Angels for Support

Lean on God, the Universe, or The Higher Power, whichever you love to call Source, and the celestial beings because you deserve it. The more you allow yourself to receive, the more the Universe can pour blessings into you and your life. So open your channels to receive!

This message is also about opening your heart and Being to more blessings. Allow yourself to feel uplifted by them while peeling away the resistance. Just notice that it is there. You can call upon your spirit guides and angels to help you transmute it, opening your heart to receive love, support, and divine truths.

Such powerful messages! I hope they bring you many blessings.

If you wish to deepen your Card Reading with personalized Angel Light Messages channeled just for you, I would love to connect through one of my private Soulfulness Card Readings here.

Love & Gratitude, Inês


Inês Souto Gonçalves

Hi! I am Inês.

Writer and Creator of Soulfulness, an online space for gentle and sensitive souls to unweave from the overwhelming 
rhythms and energies of the world and soften into their True Essence and Light while embodying and living the Divine 
on Earth.

You will love it here if you are a gentle and sensitive soul longing to soften into your true nature and essence, 
a deep-hearted soulpreneur or lightworker who feels called to slow down and share your gifts in a way that truly 
enlivens you, or an empath wanting to feel empowered in your unique way of being. 

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